Hello, I´m Jona Saetran.
I´m Icelandic, I live in Iceland and I work internationally with my clients online in many different countries.
My passion in life is to help my clients to grow as persons, to become aware of the potentials they hadn´t been enjoying before, to help them realize they have so much more to enjoy and love in their life than they gave themselves credit for earlier.
Far too often stressful situations, constant worries and anxiety are the main causes preventing people from acting on their goals to fulfill their dreams.
It doesn´t have to be like that. By learning how to calm and control the worries and the anxiety it is possible to demolish the anxiety feeling so soon they don´t prevent you any longer from doing what you long for.
I am an anxiety free coach and I can help you to do just that.
Through my personalized work with my clients over the last twenty five years, helping hundreds of women; business women, women entrepreneurs and women in other professions, to enhance their self confidence and teaching them how to get control over their anxiety feelings, I have become an expert in helping my clients to get over their anxiety feelings.
Now I would like to help you as well.
I was born in Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, in the early morning of April 14th in 1952. My father was a vice principle of the Technical College and my mother was an educated nurse and a pathologist.
In 1972 I graduated as a high school teacher, then I moved to Denmark for further studies and then studied Danish at the university of Copenhagen. My teaching career then started in Iceland in 1976.
Early on in my teaching career I was all in, wanting to do massive work to assist students of all ages to believe more in themselves, to enhance their self confidence and self esteem. As a kid and as a teenager I myself had suffered a lot because of low self esteem and lack of self confidence, believing I was never good enough.
It was not easy to let go of such devastating thoughts that proved to have harmful effects in many ways. When things were going well I convinced myself that good things wouldn´t and couldn´t last and this loop of negative thinking was my worst enemy in many ways for far too many years.
I was always studying something along with being a full time teacher except for a 6 years period as my husband and I had a bookstore with several employees.
In 1989 I came across an amazing book by Brian Tracy, Maximizing Performance which I became really taken with. I felt I had found something special that could prove to be a great tool to help to reclaim ones self worth, self confidence and self esteem and help to maximize ones performance in numerous ways. Luckily shortly after, Brian Tracy´s International in Iceland had an opening for candidates to train to become facilitators at Brian Tracy´s seminars in Iceland; Maximize Performance and this became then part of my work for several years and one I enjoyed very much.
I had started an ongoing journey to find ways to help my students as well as my clients. In 2000 I heard of a possibility to join a group of leaders in education to visit an amazing school system in India where most of the students got all A´s, I was in without any hesitation. It was really a breathtaking experience in many ways where we visited 12 schools in 10 days and were invited to take part in meetings and ceremonies.
In 2004 I established my consulting business in Iceland, Namstaekni ehf, teaching maximizing performance study techniques and how to make use of them to enhance your self confidence and to work on your goals with maximizing performance to make life better for yourself and your loved ones. In all my workshops, enhancing self confidence, self esteem and courage, demolishing anxiety played a big role.
For the last 25 years I have helped a hundreds of people, mostly women; business women, women entrepreneurs and women in other professions, to enhance their self confidence, to maximize their performance in whatever way they wanted as well as getting to calm and control their anxiety feelings, to be able to bloom and love their life again.
Your life is now. My goal is to help you to get the most out your life.
Jona Saetran with Brian Tracy
Jona and her husband Kristinn
at Taj Mahal, India
In order to maximize my services and for my ongoing studies, I decided to look for seminars and workshops abroad. One day I came across another amazing book, PhotoReading, by Paul Scheele at Learning Strategies Corporation in Minnetonka, Minnesota, USA. I became so interested in the idea that PhotoReading might really work, that I decided to learn the technology and then a year later I took the training as a PhotoReading instructor.
One thing led to another and the following year, 2005, LSC announced a seminar and a workshop on Feng Shui with a well known and respected Feng Shui master, Marie Diamond.
I had been interested in Feng Shui for a long time, I had found it very mysterious but promising and had always wanted to learn about it. This was such a great opportunity, and in the following years both my husband and I kept on studying about Feng Shui with the Feng Shui master Marie Diamond at the LSC and then later at her home in California and Belgium.
Feng Shui became a part of our lifestyle. Later I started to work a lot with Feng Shui, not only for myself but also in private homes and offices back home in Iceland as people asked for my advice concerning making use of Feng Shui in their homes and offices.
I have also had the pleasure of being featured in the media in Iceland, in magazines, radio and TV, in what we can call „office makeover with Feng Shui“ as well as „bedrooms makeover with Feng Shui„.
Jona Saetran with Paul Scheele and his wive Libby Scheele
Jona Saetran with Marie Diamond
Further education is constantly on my agenda because I find there are always so many amazing ways on how we can make our life a better one and at the same time adding more knowledge to how to be able to help and serve others.
2004 I got my M.Ed. (Master of education), and the same year
2004 I founded my teaching & consulting business, Námstækni ehf.
Inn 2005 I added more knowledge to my toolbox as I took training at Harv Eker´s Peak Potentials, Train the Trainer I, in Los Angeles, USA. On the way back to Phoenix, Arizona, to visit my AFS host family from 1969 – ´70, I learned that Paul R. Scheele was giving a speech at a seminar in Phoenix which I attended. It was there where I met Debbie Allen, the #1 worlds expert in marketing as well as Patricia Drain. Both of these two ladies made quite an impression on me and I have learned a lot from them, both online and at events in Arizona.
2011 I was certified as an ACC coach (Associate Certified Coach) by ICF (International Coaching Federation).
2021 I was certified as an PCC coach (Professional Certified Coach) by ICF (International Coaching Federation).
Jona’s certificate from T. Harv Eker’s Train the Trainer
Jona Saetran with Debbie Allen
Through my work with my clients I found it necessary to learn more about our way of thinking and how to make better use of our willpower as I believed this could help my clients in many ways. This led me to study the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, CBT, (30 ECTS) at the university of Iceland 2011 – 2012.
At CBT graduation 2012
One could say I am a constant learner and I guess that´s what I find to be of importance. As we widen our horizon we grow as human beings.
Jona Saetran with Jack Canfield
For forty years I was closely connected to the teaching arena and the education sector in Iceland which was an amazing journey. This I did along my work with my clients via seminars, workshops and coaching for the last twenty five years. Now I concentrate on helping my clients to be able to feel anxiety free and enjoy also working with teachers when I speak in workshops for Icelandic teachers, in Iceland or abroad, on how to demolish anxiety and avoid burnout in the schools, (Endurmenntunarferðir) concerning not only the teachers but the students as well.
Jona in Alicante, Spain 2019
For a period of four years I had a change of workload as I became an elected member of the city council of Reykjavik which was a very interesting experience and an opportunity to emphasize the importance of multiple ways for kids, young people as well as grown up to get more access to personal assistance and help via psychology and personal coaching.
Jona Saetran in City Council
2019 I published a new book of mine, „Að læra að læra“ (in English „Learning to learn“) a textbook (in Icelandic only) for teenagers with easy to learn and very effective study techniques, methods of goalsetting and ways to enhance your self confidence, i.a. how to deal with troubling thoughts, anxiety and more.
I plan to translate this book to English.
The Covid 19 epidemy opened new and exiting opportunities for people to work online.
When the Covid 19 epidemy started I moved most of my work with clients online and I still work mainly online via master classes, seminars, coaching and more, with either groups or 1:1. Working online has made it possible to reach out to clients living far away, in other parts of the country, in other countries and in other continents. Now I would like to work with you!
2021 I was certified as a PCC coach (Professional Certified Coach) by ICF (The International Coach Federation).
To be able to enjoy a fulfilling life we need to feel happy and content.
As a human being I have the power within me to be able to have a lot to do with how my life is, I have always the choice to decide what to do, what to say, how to react to whatever happens around me.
Abundance comes to us in many ways and often our opportunities in life appear in front of our eyes but in disguise so we don´t recognize them right away. We must constantly be on the lookout for them and search for them, we must keep our eyes open and we need to listen carefully.
How is life treating you these days?
What changes do you need to make in your life in order to be able to love you life again, to make life better for yourself and your loved ones, to enjoy and love a fulfilling life?
Free downloads from me to you.
You can start by downloading my free gifts to you, i.a. my free worksheet and my free ebook. They are here for you. Feel free to download them now. You´ll find them under the menu item GIFTS TO YOU.
If you like my free gifts, then you can check on my master class, my workshops, seminars and coaching. Look for those under PROGRAMS.
Remember that you are the most important person in your life. Love your life again, love being you!
Let me help you
Your are welcome to text me or send me an email to tell me what you would most like to learn from me.
Take care
I hope I´ll hear from you soon.
Jona Saetran
Jona with her dog, Dreki
©2023 Námstækni ehf